The Twin Crowd: GET RICH QUICK

Thursday, January 12, 2017


There is one thing I have learned so far in my life that I can say is 100% accurate.  There is no such thing as a get rich quick scheme and for those who believe a blog is the way to financial freedom I am here to tell you firsthand - this is so far from the truth.  I am writing this post not to be negative or dis credit blogging or bloggers who make a career out of this but to provide more insight for my readers about the truths behind the massive blogging community.  I know some of you may be wondering why this post is important and I'm going to explain why in detail. Gabrielle and I started the blog three years ago in hopes of creating a space that helps young women find affordable looks that are stylish and chic on a budget.  While there was an appeal to a possible financial gain this was NOT the reason we started our blog and personal space to share our thoughts, feelings and opinions. It has been three years and here lately Gabrielle and I have come to a standstill. Most of our readers would think that we make a substantial amount of money from our blog based on our collaborations and sponsored posts, but this information is not correct.  It's not a bad thing that Gabrielle and I don't make a living from our blog but after three years we did hope to have a little bit extra money to support and provide more looks and experiences for a readers. 

Unfortunately we actually end up spending money to pay for the beautiful photography you see weekly on the blog as well as creating outfits to showcase twice a week.  I truly don't want to rant or be negative but I want my readers to fully understand that the blog is here solely to provide endless outfit inspiration for young women everywhere who are shopping on a budget. 

Despite not being able to financially support our passion this creative outlet has inspired many women and given us the capacity to showcase our style on a global level. We are honestly just two twins trying to connect with others who love, share and appreciate fashion as much as we do. It has always been a dream of ours to do this and I am so proud as well as thankful that I get to share this experience with my twin sister. It has also brought so much positivity into our relationship, we are able to communicate more and experience the highs and lows of life together. Having her help me build this platform has been a blessing, her endless support and appreciation for what we do never goes unnoticed. I am extremely thankful every single day to have her as my sister and best friend.  Basically Gabrielle and I just want to connect on a deeper level with our readers this year and want  you all to understand that we do this because we love you - we look forward to providing you with countless style inspiration posts and connecting with each and everyone of you on a personal level.  We hope our thoughts and opinions affect you in a positive manner and allow you to grow and expand with us as bloggers and individuals.

We're excited for what 2017 is going to bring for us and the twin crowd.  Even though there is no such thing as a 'get rich quick scheme' there is such thing as a 'rich and fulfilling life', this is what blogging provides to Gabrielle and mines each and every day. Please comment below with any posts you would like to see in the new year. Are you interested in our daily lives or wanting us to create more outfit post weekly. We are open to transforming our content to ultimately bring us closer to all of you supportive readers out there. We love you and thank you for letting express ourselves on this platform!

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